✦celestial yeehaws✦

hi welcome to my badly made carrd

im J, i do art like music and animation stuff
the icon isnt a great example sh

also big warning but !!! this is probably not the most mobile friendly (ill make a seperate one for mobile users if i have to)

✦about me✦

my name is J or Jay, just names in general with Jay (like Jaya or Jaydon) are fine, you can also call me DJ
my pronouns are mostly they/them, but i use any pronouns (including it/its and neopronouns)

my bday is feb 21, i have adhd and other brainworms lol

trans/nb, but specifically im genderfluid and genderflux (i id with even more mogai labels, but youd have to go my mogai blog to find those)

im bisexual and gay/gai/omnigay, im also questioning if im demisexual/ace-spec

all the flags in order: nb/trans, mogai, fluid/flux, bi, gay/nb gai, and demisexual


bunch of side blogs of all my stuff because i cant stick to one for some reason !!

✦tumblr blogs✦

✦youtube channels✦

✦everything else✦

✦do not interact/dni✦

i feel like i shouldnt have to put this but since we live in the age where people who're nazis will just follow people and have "lol just block dont hate <3" in their bios then im gonna

dont interact if your one or more of these:

  • racist/nazi

  • anti blm

  • lgbtq+ phobic

  • anti mogai or microlabels

  • truscum/transmed

  • anti neopronouns/nonbinary using gendered pronouns

  • anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays

  • map/somap/nomap/PEDOPHILE

  • terfs/anti trans or anti nonbinary

  • anti nonbinary lesbians/gays/etc

  • ace/aro spec exclusionist

  • (will add more to the list when needed)

break this dni and youll get blocked ❤
piss me off while breaking this and youll be roasted alive ❤